Clearwater Industries designs and manufactures dry and liquid polymer flocculant make-down systems. Every unit is wet-tested at the factory and skid-mounted to provide a turnkey solution upon arrival.
Polymer Mixing & Flocculation
Our polymer systems accurately dilute, agitate, and age dry and liquid polymers to the desired concentration. Precise polymer preparation optimizes flocculation, allowing you to separate solids from liquid and dewater sludge efficiently. See flocculation and sedimentation in real-time.
Dry Polymer Make-Down Systems
We specialize in dry polymer make-down systems. The units are robustly constructed with 304 or 316 Stainless Steel and operate automatically with minimal operator attention for reliable polymer batching. Our M-Series units feature three chambers in a single tank design. The polymer is hydraulically sheared in the first chamber, mechanically mixed in the second, and pumped from the third chamber.
Polymer Selection & Sales
Our comprehensive jar testing isolates the best performing polymer flocculant and overall chemistry for your wastewater. We house a myriad of chemicals including dry and emulsion cationic and anionic polymers to meet the needs of your application. Contact us to learn more about our jar testing procedures and for chemical pricing.