Your concrete washout systems or hydrodemolition projects benefit from Clearwater’s clarifying chemistry, polymer systems, and clarifiers. Our systems balance pH and remove dissolved and suspended solids so you can reclaim or discharge process water without penalty. Plus, the separated and dewatered solids reduce wet tonnage slurry hauling costs.

Having a clean and reliable water circuit is critical to keeping operations on time.

Our polymer systems accurately activate, age, and dose a polymer flocculant solution that increases liquid-solid separation. These systems allow settling ponds and holding tanks to flow clean water over the top while creating a thick handleable sludge. 

Clarifiers and reclaimers provide a full treatment option with integrated polymer systems to remove TSS, balance pH, and return clean water to process. Further, our portable clarifiers provide a road-legal turnkey water clarification and filtration system. The video on this page highlights a custom-built clarifier for a bridge hydrodemolition project.