We are introducing our DAF Clarifier Pilot Skid System from our partner SigmaDAF. This system is ready to ship to your site for wastewater treatment and piloting feasibility tests.
The DAF (dissolved air flotation) Pilot System is a compact skid that ships to your site so you can determine if it’s the best solution for your process. It can treat up to 35 GPM and is ideal for removing organic loads, solids, fats, oils, BOD, COD, and other water pollutants.
This compact DAF design achieves excellent removal efficiency and results from the demo unit are 100% scalable to full flow designs.
DAF systems can service but are not limited to the following industries & production processes:
- Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics
- Mining, Quarries, and Aggregate Production
- Tunneling & Boring
- Meat & Poultry Processing
- Slaughterhouse Processing
- Fish & Crustacean Processing
- Dairy Industry
- Convenience Food
- Potato Processing
- Fruit Processing
- Vegetable Processing
- Bakeries & Confectionaries
- Brewing (Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Production)
- Textile Finishing and Dyeing
- Tannery Production
- Stone Processing
- Tar Sand & Oil Sand
- Heavy Metal Removal
- Industrial & Commercial Laundries
- Pulp & Paper Production
- Algae Removal & Desalination Pretreatment
- Pretreatment for Downstream Biological Treatment Systems
The DAF Clarifier Pilot System Includes:
- DAF Unit
- Rectangular tank, skimmer, settled sludge extraction valve, air supply valves, pneumatic panel, and recirculation pump
- In-line coagulation-flocculation system
- Coagulant dosing pump
- Caustic soda dosing pump
- Polymer flocculant dosing pump
- Polymer flocculant preparation unit
- pH sensor and flow meter
- Feed pump, sludge pump, and levels
- Skid platform
- State-of-the-art electrical control panel with an intuitive and user-friendly interface
Please contact our team to coordinate a pilot at your operation. Contact form or 414-365-1200.